Welcome to The Rose Life Center!
Natural health and wholeness for your body, soul, and spirit,
from the beginning to the end of your life!
Browse through the various topics on this site!
Books, supplements and more to feed your body, soul, and spirit!
Natural Health and Healing
Health and Healing through Natural Solutions
Feel BETTER as you get older instead of worse!
Protect yourself from the sicknesses and diseases that cripple or claim the lives of so many people. Good health should be second nature to us. Learn the basics of Natural Health to be able to maintain your health.

Eternal Life Skills
How to Improve Your Life Today While Preparing For Eternity in Heaven
Find the missing ingredient in making God's promises work in your life
Learn your part in getting your prayers answered
Learn what you will be taking with you when you move to eternity
Know if you are fulfilling God's purpose for your life
Train now for the most exciting, fulfilling, permanent position ever!

What is Heaven Like?
What is Heaven like? What will our bodies be like?
Will we recognize others?
Heaven is a wonderful place to look forward to and God wants us to know about it! It’s no secret! He tries to tell us about it in many ways and through many people.
God tells us about heaven in the Bible. The Bible gives us a lot of images about heaven.
We just have to put them together through the help of the Holy Spirit!

Soul and Spirit
Transitioning to Your Afterlife
What happens during death and dying?
Your Life Review
Will you see loved ones?
In most cases the dying process has become a medical process and the natural spiritual side has been dismissed. There is not much regard to compassion and nurturing.
Learn about the spiritual aspects of the dying process.
While you will not be able to help heal the physical sickness of your loved one, you can help them prepare their soul and spirit as they make the ultimate transition to Eternity.

Spiritual Care for the End-of-Life
New Book Release!
Available Now!
How Can You Help Your Dying Loved One?
End-of-Life Spiritual Care is for everyday people
who want to help their very special loved one step into eternity.
Gain comfort and assurance knowing that there is a bond between us and Heaven that is never broken and is there to help your loved one as they make their transition.
"I rate End-of-Life Spiritual Care by Rose Martin 5 out of 5 stars. There was nothing about this book that I didn't like. I consequently have no justification for rating it lower."
Restoring and developing the essential needs of your body, soul and spirit to live your life
with purpose, meaning, and joy ~ both now and forever more.
Contact Rose at TheRoseLifeCenter@gmail.com