Eternal Life Skills
Whether you are a new or seasoned Christian, these nineteen motivating, inspiring, and insightful lessons will show you, how to understand your purpose in God’s Eternal Kingdom, grow in faith and love, and expand your belief in God’s ability. Discover how to improve your life today…
Find the missing ingredient to making God’s promises work in your life
Learn your part to getting your prayers answered
Unlock the simple solution to overcoming your limitations
Discover the principle of getting positive results in your life
and prepare for eternity at the same time…
Learn what you will actually be taking with you when you move to heaven
Know if you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life
Train now for the most exciting, fulfilling, permanent position ever
Discover what you need to do to be ready for Jesus’ return
“A rare find—that combination of Spirit-led wisdom, practical illustration, and loving application. This is not a hollow shell of ‘self-help,’ but an experienced tour of God’s promises. You'll find yourself making 'action steps' for your life from the points Rose targets...Rose sets out to 'prepare hearts' and scores a perfect ten.
- Rev. Joel Palser, Vice President, Chaplaincy & Telephone Ministry, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
“In a world where dreams are often discouraged and we are told not to get our hopes up, Rose Martin shares a different approach in her book—Get your hopes up! Way up! She confronts one of the great intimidators in life…Time! If you are a caregiver, this book is a must to have in your library. If you are in need of care, put it on your nightstand!”
- Dennis Heber, Missionary Evangelist, President, Bible Revivals, Incorporated
“With far reaching insight into this life and the life hereafter, this book is a page turner you will find difficult to put down. Personally, it has opened my life to a whole new way of thinking in terms of how to deal with my walk with God from day to day. Eternal Life Skills has become a beacon for me to follow. You will treasure the day you discovered this volume.”
- Wink Martindale—Nationally known Radio & Television personality