Spiritual Care Collection
A Collection of Faith Building Items
as referred to in the new book
End-of-Life Spiritual Care

~ Spiritual Ceremonies and Rituals make the transition to Heaven meaningful for all ~
The rituals and ceremonies of one's faith and culture are welcomed at life changing events.
They build faith and give the comfort, direction, and assurance to fulfil final needs at the end of life. The articles that are associated with the spiritual aspects add to the atmosphere and meaning of your special times of worshipping God together at the end of life.
This is a collection of special items that are typically used in biblical faith to create a peaceful spiritual atmosphere.
We encourage you to plan and perform your own rituals and ceremonies and prayers according to your denomination and beliefs and the Spirit's leading.
Invoke the sacred aspect of the dying process in the final days of your loved one's life on earth.
Spiritual Care Collections
Available Now!
Special items that can be used for the End-of-Life Ceremony
as created in the book, End-of-Life Spiritual Care
Each Collection Includes:
Your choice of either -
1 - Prayer Scarf OR
1 - Prayer Shawl (Tallit)
Plus -
1 - Vile of unscented anointing oil
1 - Small bowl for water
7 - Self-contained communion cups with wafer
1 - 2" Unscented wax candle in votive
1 - Battery operated candle with votive
1 - Black tote bag, journal, and pen
1 - Step-by-step instructions
Option to Add Books to your Collection:
Option to ADD to the items from above - a paperback copy of End-of-Life Spiritual Care and a complimentary copy of the booklet Learning to Let Go The Signs and Symptoms of the Dying Process. Both books together will help you understand the physical and spiritual aspects of the dying process.
Please NOTE: The following are examples of the various collections. The style and color of the items included may vary from the photo depending on what is available at the time of purchase.