Eternal Life Skills
How to Improve Your Life Today While Preparing for Eternity in Heaven
by Rose martin
Your life has unlimited potential!
Discover how to improve your life today…
Find the missing ingredient to making God’s promises work in your life
Learn your part to getting your prayers answered
Unlock the simple solution to overcoming your limitations
Discover the principle of getting positive results in your life
And prepare for eternity at the same time…
Learn what you will actually be taking with you when you move to heaven
Know if you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life
Train now for the most exciting, fulfilling, permanent position ever
Discover what you need to do to be ready for Jesus’ return
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“A rare find—that combination of Spirit-led wisdom, practical illustration, and loving application. This is not a hollow shell of ‘self-help,’ but an experienced tour of God’s promises. You'll find yourself making 'action steps' for your life from the points Rose targets...Rose sets out to 'prepare hearts' and scores a perfect ten.”
- Rev. Joel Palser, Vice President, Chaplaincy & Telephone Ministry, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
“In a world where dreams are often discouraged and we are told not to get our hopes up, Rose Martin shares a different approach in her book—Get your hopes up! Way up! She confronts one of the great intimidators in life…Time! If you are a caregiver, this book is a must to have in your library. If you are in need of care, put it on your nightstand!”
- Dennis Heber, Missionary Evangelist, President, Bible Revivals, Incorporated
“With far reaching insight into this life and the life hereafter, this book is a page turner you will find difficult to put down. Personally, it has opened my life to a whole new way of thinking in terms of how to deal with my walk with God from day to day. Eternal Life Skills has become a beacon for me to follow. You will treasure the day you discovered this volume.”
- Wink Martindale—Nationally known Radio & Television personality
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Learn how to find purpose, peace, and power for your life today…while storing up treasures, crowns, and rewards for yourself in your eternal home with the new book by Rose Martin, Eternal Life Skills—How to Improve Your Life Today, While Preparing for Eternity in Heaven!
Order your personalized copy on-line here.
“Many people haven't made the connection between their lives here on earth and their lives in eternity. They cannot see how the two relate. When their lives change because of age or medical problems, they lose hope. They have a hard time finding meaning, purpose, or pleasure.
"Once they begin to understand the real purpose of their time on earth and all there still is to look forward to, their zest for life comes back again. They find there is a lot they can look forward to that has meaning. They find real direction for their lives."
-- Rose Martin, author
Learn how to shift your focus from a defeated life that is nearly over, to one that is just beginning with unlimited potential! "Eternal Life Skills, How to Improve Your Life Today, While Preparing For Eternity" by Rose Martin will show you that you still have the power to improve your life and make a difference!
Sometimes illness, depression, hopelessness, and anxiety can begin to rise when you think you have nothing to look forward to as the end of your life comes into view. Eternal Life Skills will show you how to put the power of God’s Word to work in your life!
Nineteen lessons teach you how to understand your purpose in God’s Eternal Kingdom, grow in faith and love, and expand your belief in God’s ability. Restore purpose, meaning, and hope as you realize you can still improve your life on earth, as well as prepare for your life in heaven.
Rose Martin, the creator and presenter of "Exploring Life in Heaven with Rose Martin" a live Bible-based multimedia teaching presented in Branson, Missouri, has studied and taught the Word of God for nearly 20 years. She is co-founder, along with her husband Charles, of Perfect Will Ministries. Together they are working to “prepare hearts for eternity” through various outreaches. Rose is She is a mother of two and grandmother of one, she lives near Branson, Missouri with her husband.
Discover how to improve your life today, while preparing for eternity in heaven!
Table of Contents
1. Activate the Power of God’s Word
Learn how to activate the power of God's Word in your life and let it do what it was meant to do.
2. Why Couldn’t You?
God’s promises can be just words, or they can be powerful. Learn how to obtain the power, victory, and success that it promises.
3. Praying While Aging
In spite of the limitations your life may seem to have right now, you can still have companionship, travel, and be entertained, all without having to leave your home or get out of your seat.
4. Hope
Sometimes the difficulties in life try to snatch our hope away. God can take your hopelessness and turn it around!
5. Sowing and Reaping
We plant negative words, thoughts, and actions yet expect positive results in our lives. Learn how to get a positive result in your life.
6. Whose Radar Screen Are You On?
There are all kinds of eyes watching you all the time. Whom do they belong to and why are they looking at you?
7. You Can’t Fool God
We think if we don't acknowledge God, He won't notice us. Can we really fool God, or are we fooling ourselves?
8. How Do You See Yourself?
Every one of us has some fault or defect that would bring us down if it could. It is up to us not to let it get the best of us.
9. Love 101
How can you love someone the way Jesus wants you to when you don’t have any feelings toward them?
10. The Bible
Everything we own has an instruction book. Do we come with an instruction book? Or, are we expected to go through our lives just guessing at how we should live our lives?
11. Are You Getting Ready for the Party?
Jesus will be throwing a party that promises to give us joy, peace, entertainment, security, hope, love, fellowship, and much more, for all eternity. Have you accepted your invitation yet?
12. Happy New Years!
If you change your attitude, you will change your life! Nothing is impossible. Each New Year can be the start of a new season for you.
13. Major Surgery
The Word of God is powerful and mighty. You can help it accomplish the work it was sent out to do in your life.
14. Are you Ready?
You will meet Jesus at a time when you don’t expect it. What should you be doing so you will be ready?
15. How to be Perfect
Even though we say we are not perfect, the Bible tells us to be perfect! How are we supposed to do this?
16. Never Stop Getting Better
No matter what age we are, our goal should always be to improve ourselves. Why? Because our lives will never be over! We are going to live forever!
17. Going Nowhere
Jesus gave us His life so we could have eternal life with Him. We should not be living each day of our lives aimlessly.
18. Thy Will Be Done
As we look back and evaluate the life we led, we wonder—did we accomplish what we were supposed to do in our lifetime?
19. On the Job Training
Jesus is training applicants right now for the most exciting, fulfilling, and permanent position ever. Find out how to begin your training program!
This compilation of Rose’s live talks and radio programs will teach you how to put the power of God’s Word to work in your life. Whether you are a new or seasoned Christian, these nineteen motivating, inspiring, and insightful lessons will show you, how to understand your purpose in God’s Eternal Kingdom, grow in faith and love, and expand your belief in God’s ability. Ppb, 252 pages, Achievement Publications, ISBN 0-9643457-4-9, $19.95